Diplomat Dishwasher Error Codes

If your Diplomat dishwasher displays an error code, it’s signaling a specific problem that needs attention. This guide will help you identify what each code means and provide actionable steps to resolve the issue.

Diplomat Dishwasher Error Codes

Diplomat Dishwasher Error Codes & Solutions

Error Code Meaning Possible Causes Detailed Solution
E1 Water inlet issue Low water pressure, blocked inlet hose, faulty water valve Ensure water supply is on, check and clean the inlet hose, and replace the water valve if necessary.
E2 Drainage failure Blocked drain hose, clogged filter, faulty drain pump Clean the drain filter, inspect the drain hose for obstructions, and test the drain pump.
E3 Heating failure Faulty heating element, thermostat issue Check power to the heating element, test the thermostat, and replace defective components.
E4 Overflow or leakage Hose leaks, excessive detergent use Inspect hoses for leaks, reduce detergent usage, and check the float switch.
E5 Temperature sensor fault Defective thermistor Test the thermistor with a multimeter and replace it if faulty.
E6 Door lock error Improperly closed door, faulty door latch Ensure the door is shut properly and replace the latch if damaged.
E7 Turbidity sensor issue Dirty or faulty sensor Clean the turbidity sensor with warm water and vinegar, replace if necessary.
E8 Spray arm malfunction Clogged or misaligned spray arms Clean spray arms and ensure they spin freely.
E9 Drying fan failure Malfunctioning fan motor Check for obstructions, test the fan motor, and replace if necessary.

Tips for Avoiding Future Errors

  • Clean regularly: Clear the filters, spray arms, and water inlet to prevent blockages.
  • Inspect hoses: Ensure the water supply and drain hoses are free of kinks or debris.
  • Use proper detergents: Only use dishwasher-specific detergents to avoid residue build-up.
  • Follow maintenance schedules: Regular servicing can help detect issues early and prolong the life of your dishwasher.

If you encounter an error that’s not listed or can’t resolve the issue, don’t hesitate to contact a certified technician or the Diplomat customer support team. A little maintenance goes a long way in keeping your dishwasher running smoothly!

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